I've been here 3 weeks and I've just realized that I'm already taking things for granted. Not in the traditional sense; I'm still going on my walks and trying to practice my Italian. I'm una monella because experiencing the exceptional has become an everyday activity. So much so that I occasionally forget that it's not normal to go on scavenger hunts and to walk into ornate churches by chance, but I'll get those stories in time.

First off, I spent my weekend in Florence. The city's only 45 minutes away in autobus. It's okay, you can be jealous (but I have to admit that Siena is still better). A group of us made the trip up there and met some amici I have kept up with since last summer that live in Florence. They only speak in Italian, so it was really nice to have a fun way to practice with no pressure. I decided to stay the night and ended up being really happy with that decision. My friends and I saw a huge group of people and tons of polizia and when we went to investigate found an anti-facist group. Interesting, to say the least.

There are some really great places in Florence that I got to see (like the Church of Santa Croce pictured below), but there is far too much even

Tuesday I went looking for the Oca (Goose) fountain but instead found the House of St. Catherine. I got there 5 minutes before mass, took the timely arrival as fate, and walked into a totally different atmosphere. So much so that my jaw dropped. This little church was gorgeous! The colorful paintings and the gold embellishments--I was shocked! There's nothing like that in the States. Un prioprio italiano laughed at me and reminded me that the Renaissance happened here in Italy before the United States existed. Gee, thanks!
But still no Oca fountain, yet the search continues. Today I found 2 new ones I'd never seen before along with a few others I already knew of, but I'm still lacking 8 of the 17. Eventually I will take pictures but for now I'm using the fountains as landmarks to learn the city streets. When I know how to get back to them on my own, then I'll take a picture. Until then, aspettate!
Brava, carissima! Graze mille :) Sei molto piu' brava della tua amica, questa Bekah ragazza ...