After that busy work week, I had a week in vacanze. Wow! It was so much fun! I can't explain to you the overwhelming feeling of gratefulness that I got, especially during this past week. I am constantly appreciative for the opportunity to be here in Italy and to be having the life experiences here, but as a born planner, I can honestly say that I'm not sure I've ever been so content with my place in life before. To be a young w

My friend Elizabeth and I took a night bus to Salerno, arriving there at 7 AM exhausted and unsure where to go. After an unnecessarily long time and several stops for directions, we finally found our hostel where we stayed for three nights and were able to meet some great people. The first day we explored Salerno and planned the rest of our trip. I am glad to report that fortune was our friend this whole trip and even when things seemed to be going poorly, they always turned out for the better. For instance, Saturday night we looked for a place to eat in a ravenous state, finally stumbling on a place after a while of searching that we weren't sure of. We ended up making great friends, returned for our last night, and ate well (for a discount!).
Our second day we spent in Pompei. What a trip! We decided to skip the audioguides and try to discover the best sites on our own--and a little help from Rick Steves. While walking aimlessly, I was lucky enough to make the acquaintance of Vincenzo, a well-informed security guard who had already worked at the ruins for 35 years.

The next day was split between Paestum and Amalfi. We got up close and personal with the

The next morning we took a trip to Napoli. What chaos! It was so different than anywhere I had ever been before and have this feeling like I really need to return to understand more of the place. Sadly, we overlooked that we couldn't get into the one museum we had planned on seeing so instead spent a few hours soaking in the city. We sampled some great pizza & svogliatella (a pastry)--more yummy specialties of Campagna. My synopsis of the region: You can get lost quite easily and can meet some wonderful people, but you can NEVER go wrong with the food! We caught a train back to Siena in the afternoon, quite satified and thoroughly drained from our adventures.
I'll stop here for now, but don't forget to check out my pictures and keep looking for the second leg of the trip where I trugged on alone into Umbria, the region next to Tuscany.
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ReplyDeletemiss & love you so much