But the best part is how it happened! I was out with some friends and we were hanging out in the street outside a bar, just chatting. It's the way here. There aren't many cars in the center of Siena and drinking in public isn't against the law here, so on nice nights EVERYONE is outside. My friends and I were chatting and laughing when I felt something drop on my head. I stroked my head I didn't feel anything. I figured that since I didn't feel anything I really didn't need to think twice about it. It had been raining all day and had just recently cleared up for the night. Probably just a rain droplet, right?

Hours later I go into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. Sure, I had had some Birra Moretti, but not THAT much. And there it was--a glob of pigeon poop. But it wasn't so bad. My hair was up so my friends didn't catch it. Unfortunately I don't have a picture to share other than the picture of a Roman pigeon, but rest assured I laughed quite a bit. Hope you too enjoyed a chuckle or two at my expense!
One month left until I fly home. There's so much left to do and I'm really feeling EXTRA pressure to take advantage of the time I have left. I don't know what that means for the rest of the time here or what's to come for the next month, but I plan on finishing strong!
yay poop.